Two nights ago we experienced our first earthquake ever. It was scary. It sounded like a freight train coming and then the whole building shook. Aussie who is so calm during thunderstorms was freaked out and knew something was not right. It only registered 4.9 but for someone who has never been through one it was a huge surprise.
Costco is providing a great shopping experience for seniors. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday they are opening their doors early on the first hour for seniors only. Our Costco is only 10 minutes away and so we were easily there by 7:30am and we were able to get toilet paper and paper towels as well as a lot of other supplies. All the shoppers inside were wearing masks.
For exercise, Gary has been spending quite a bit of time riding his bike and yesterday I finally took my bike out which I have not been on since September.
We removed the clip-in Speedplay pedals to just regular pedals. It is so much easier to do the loop around the park in regular sneakers. I took it for a test ride and did 6 miles just around the park.
Aussie is also getting her regular walks daily. Here she is fighting for the frisbee near the putting green.
There is some beautiful scenery around this park and even the ducks think so. With a lot of people gone, the ducks have plenty of pools at the empty lots to float in, like this one on our walk yesterday.
Stay safe.
Looks so nice….wish our weather was the same as yours. Sunshine days are the best. Bobby has been riding his stationary bike everyday. He usually averages 10-15 miles a day. With our added daily walks, we feel we both are getting lots of exercise. Stay safe. Good to catch up with you the other day. Hugs to you both…
Your great weather will be there before you know it! Stay safe and distant hugs.