A very happy 80th birthday to our good friend Mike. A very young and active 80 year old as well as a pilot who flies his own plane. That is why there is a plane in the middle of his birthday cake. Luckily the plane did not catch on fire and we did not need a fire extinguisher for the candles although the fire department was on standby.

A really nice hike at the Cross in Palm Desert with some nice ladies.

Our neighbor Mike from Quebec and his 2 great Danes on a morning ride. Aussie barked some orders but they just ignored her.

A great visit from dear friends Jim and Gen from Arizona during the week of the Indian Wells pickleball tournament.

The most amazing pickleball played by the top players in the country. Ben Johns below won the men’s singles.

15 year old Anna Leigh Waters below with her partner in the ladies doubles. So much fun to watch but next time we will remember to bring stadium seats.😯

Then off to Sonoma to see friends Ron & Sue and meet their new pug Nacho.

The color of the leaves on the trees in Sonoma was exceptional. The reddest of reds.

And a little produce shopping in Sonoma. Buddha Hands.. really????
Buddha Hand is a citrus fruit in the citron family, which looks like a lemon with long, finger-like segments growing from it. While it contains no fruit or pulp, it is extremely fragrant, and the peel and rind can be used for a number of dishes, like salad dressings, marinades, baked goods, and drinks.

A great trip to the San Francisco Botanical Gardens with family. The family are the ones in blue. 😆

The Botanical Gardens is a unique garden within the Golden Gate Park. They offer 55 acres of landscape gardens and open spaces and showcase 8,000 different kinds of plants from around the world. Jacob’s favorite was the Garden of Fragrance which he called the smelly garden. There were so many plants with different scents there.

Making piñatas at the garden

Unique trees and plants. Loved the roots of the trees.

You never know who you are going to bump into on the streets of San Francisco so be on your best behavior.

An early Sushi Thanksgiving dinner for those of us that do not eat meat.

No matter where you walk in San Francisco, you better be prepared for a big uphill. Gary & Aussie taking the climb. A glance of Glen Park below.

Finally, we love to stroll around the San Francisco neighborhood where you can see some interesting homes such as this one. My guess is at least 3 or 4 million?

Wishing you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving wherever you are. We have a lot to be thankful for.

We had a blast with you two at the pickleball Nationals! Thank you for the fun pickleball with your nice friends, the scrumptious food, the great company, the interesting walks, time with sweet Aussie, and just everything!! Thank you for so generously opening up your beautiful home to us.