What a nice RV resort at Buckhorn Lake in Kerrville Texas. There is such a great turn out of Prevost motorhomes at this rally that I had to take a few pictures of them.
We are so happy to see our friends Dick and Deb and their 3 dogs from Iowa who we had not seen since a year and a half ago at a rally in Fort Worth.
Last night there was a welcome party in the old barn with a great country and western band, the Dance Hall Drifters.
This resort also has 4 pickleball courts and we were able to play with some of the full time residents in this park as well as some rally guests. The only problem is that the temperatures are still in the mid 90’s here although residents say it is a lot cooler than it has been.🌞
And while Gary was off at a Distillery tour today, I was in the barn with the ladies painting wine glasses.
Dinner and dancing tonight. More info tomorrow.