The past few days the winds here in Indio have been so strong that several plants in our park have blown over . We even had a very heavy palm leaf blow down in our back patio.
Tree next to the tennis courts
Its been a strange few days with dark clouds and much cooler weather.

Before the strong winds came we went over to All Color Growers Nursery in Bermuda Dunes to get some flowers for our planters. This is a wholesaler that allows outsiders to come in and buy and their selection is bright & colorful.

Finally yesterday we had better weather and it was a perfect day to hike the Badlands in Indio. It was an almost 6 mile hike with a lot of rock and sand. We started off in sweatshirts but within the first half hour they were off as the sun was beating down on us. A lot of up and down with some nice scenery at the top.
This trail enters the Indio Hills badlands and traverses the San Andreas Fault exposing twisted and tortured rocks that have been uplifted and moved over millions of years. The trail enters several narrow slot canyons and twists and turns in the sandy washes before climbing up to the ridge with panoramic views of the entire Coachella Valley.

Easy to get lost here
The hiking group will be doing this pleasant hike again on Thursday but I will not be able to join them since we will be on the road to San Francisco to see the kids.
I hope to post some nice San Francisco pictures this weekend although they are reporting rain there.