Lucky for us we are in warm climate with daily sunshine in a gated community so its easy for us to get out often.
We worry about our friends who are stuck in their home without any social contact but that is necessary at this critical time.
Aussie gets several walk a day around the park and all the flowers and landscaping is being cared for by our contracted gardeners in the park that are allowed to be here 7 days of the week. Here is a sample of one of the sites I passed yesterday while walking Aussie.

Out of the 400 lots here, my guess that there may be about only 100 people or so left in here. Every day we see more coaches pull out of here since they shut down the gym, the 3 pools, the golf course, the 3 tennis courts, the restaurant and the dog park. Many people that are left here say they would rather be here in the warmth and sunshine than go hope to the cold. Plus there are a lot of restrictions in their home states. For instance, many of the people here are from Washington State, one of the top 3 states to be hit with the virus.
With not a lot to do but walk, eat, read and watch TV, a group in here decided to do a golf cart parade several days at 5pm on the golf course. We did not participate but sat on the side of the road and waved as the parade went by.

Also, a couple in here own 2 lots and one is empty so she put up a net and taped the pavement and said anyone in here is welcome to use it to play pickleball on it. With all the restrictions put in place on activities, there is nothing the park can do to stop us from playing since this is considered a private lot.

At first there was a lot of excitement about the pickleball but now a lot of people have stopped participating, partly to the social distancing recommendation and also because the temperatures are now in the upper 80s in the afternoon and so it is way too hot.
Yesterday Gary went to Costco at the early seniors only hour, around 8am and he said it was great. It was not too busy and they had just received a lot of stock. There are some benefits to being a senior.
I hope you are all staying healthy and safe and keeping your distance.