No pictures here because we spent a whole day at the Stockholm airport. Its tiring just to think about it.
Our direct 2 hour flight from Stockholm to London was scheduled to leave at around 6pm in the evening. Since there were about 3 other flights heading to London earlier than our planned departure we had the bright idea to get to the airport and go standby for an earlier flight. It would appear though that Europe does not offer the standby option.
We went to the information booth of this particular awful airline which shall remain nameless and we were told yes we could get on a different flight for an additional 7,000 krona which is about $700. Since we only paid $200 for our tickets this was not a reasonable option.
We went through passport control and a 40 minute line at security check and sat in a waiting area from early morning until it was announced that our flight would be on time. 15 minutes later they announced that the flight was cancelled and no reason was given. We were told we needed to get on the next flight to Copenhagen which would be boarding shortly so we had to leave the gate and go back to passport control and through security again.
We get to passport control and find a Chinese plane had just landed with 400 passengers. Luckily we were moved to the head of the line and passport control had to cross out the last stamp on our passport.
We finally get to the new gate and at the next information booth they tell us there is nothing they can do for us other than give us new tickets.
We fly 2 hours to Copenhagen and then have 45 minutes before we have to get to the next plane. After arriving we have to go through passport control and rush to the next area to get on a 2 hour flight to London. The flight is full so we don’t have the option of sitting together and we both get middle seats in this small plane. After arriving in London we go through passport control again.
So instead of one direct 2 hour flight and one time through customs, we had to take 2 different 2 hour flights and go through customs 4 times. But we made it to London. 🇦🇺
What a fiasco of border control & information desks & passport stamping! You were not sorry to leave, I am sure, once you finally did get to leave!